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Chamber and committees

EHRC Inquiry into Human Trafficking in Scotland

  • Submitted by: Jenny Marra, North East Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Friday, 01 March 2013
  • Motion reference: S4M-05800

That the Parliament congratulates the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) on the publication of its progress report on human trafficking in Scotland subsequent to the recommendations of what is considered its groundbreaking inquiry in December 2011; welcomes the progress since the original inquiry report, particularly the commitment by ministers to introduce a statutory human trafficking aggravation to Scots criminal law as well as the Human Trafficking Summit in October 2012 and the subsequent Anti-trafficking Progress Group (ATPG); looks forward to the ATPG reporting back on activity on a range of specific action points over the next 18 months, however, considers that, in light of both the EHRC's recommendations and the most recent evaluation of the UK’s implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, more remains to be done in areas such as a comprehensive review of legislation on human trafficking, better information-sharing between statutory partners, asset recovery and ensuring that victims of human trafficking are identified early, given appropriate support and treated consistently as victims of a profound human rights violation.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Colin Beattie, Neil Bibby, Sarah Boyack, Malcolm Chisholm, Mary Fee, Patricia Ferguson, Neil Findlay, Rhoda Grant, Iain Gray, Richard Lyle, Lewis Macdonald, Mike MacKenzie, Hanzala Malik, Margaret McCulloch, Margaret McDougall, Alison McInnes, Christina McKelvie, Michael McMahon, Siobhan McMahon, Anne McTaggart, Graeme Pearson, Drew Smith, Dave Thompson, Jean Urquhart, Maureen Watt